Spending time in nature has been proven to help improve mental health. 40% of the working population fails to get the recommended two hours minimum a week in nature. To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, we created ‘live streams’ on Ocean screens to raise awareness of the importance of nature to improve mental and physical wellbeing. The live streams create windows into nature that’s right around the corner. Screens were located across London in high-footfall, high-stress, urban locations, providing passers-by with a breath of fresh air to help them escape the city for a short moment.
To make the experience truly immersive, audio played the calming natural sounds of a running stream, whilst a QR code took the public to a map showing where they can find the local stream and some head space near them.
Scan the QR code on the floor and it will take you to a map showing you how to get to the local nature spot.